Sunday, February 6, 2011

SuperBowl Sunday!!!

So, the first question... what is your pick for the game... with the score.  I'm saying Green Bay 20 Pittsburgh 17.

My other question today has to do with Steeler's Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger.  Though he was not officially charged with anything by the Atlanta police in connection with accusations of sexual assault, it is the second time that he has been accused of this type of behavior.  The NFL saw fit to suspend him for six game (reduced to four) for violation of the league’s ' "personal conduct policy,"  and at the very least, he was guilty of providing alcohol to a nineteen year old girl.

Is it possible to separate the "Ben the person" from "Ben the Quarterback" if you are a fan of the Steelers?  Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling, who is a huge fan of the Steelers, was on the radio the other day and he argued that he can do that... he said that what Ben was accused of was reprehensible, and that he was rooting for the name of the front of the jersey not the name on the back.  He also added that he will not allow his kids to wear Roethlisberger's # 7 anymore, but that it would not stop him from cheering for his team.

What do you think?


  1. My prediction for the game is that the Packers will prevail, and by a score of 24-20. That being said, I also believe that it is possible to seperate Ben Roethlisberger into two different categories: a great quarterback, but a terrible person.
    I am, by no means, a Steelers fan, but if I were rooting for Pittsburgh, I would have to put aside my hatred for Roethlisberger, and cheer on the entire team, without bias. However, the crimes, and alleged actions, committed by Ben Roethlisberger still fester in the minds of all football fans. The media has exploited the incidents, and are largely responsible for the way in which many people view Roethlisberger today. While the tabloids do take part of the blame, Ben has "dug his own hole" in many senses.
    The main reason why I can easily seperate Ben Roethlisberger on and off the field is because the two men are so drastically different. I see Roethlisberger as a member of the team when he is on the field. I do not cheer for him, but I root for the entire team. Off the field, I loathe and detest Ben for the henious actions he has been accused of, and for providing alcohol to a minor. Whether or not he is guilty of these crimes, I still view Roethlisberger in a negative light. When I watch the Steelers play, I know that what Ben has done has no bearing on the game at hand; therefore, I see him as a quarterback and genuine football player during the game. However, when he is not in uniform, I begin to see him as a vile human being who constantly breaks the law.

    -Jake M.

  2. Let me start off by saying I think that Ben is guilty, but that is besides the point. I believe that you can seperate the two sides of him, and that is the way to go. For example, Kobe Bryant was charged with rape, and now that it has been a couple of years its is almost forgotten. Also, Tiger Woods, I love him as a golfer, even though all of the alligations against him.

    If Ben wants to everything to blow over, all he has to do is win. It is the solution for every personal problem that arrives in sports. If Ben won the Super Bowl on Sunday, I think that would have boosted his stock in the eyes of sports fans every where, except for the women of Pittsburgh.

  3. Packers will win 31-25. Just kidding.
    I think Ben is guilty and he's a horrible person. No good can happpen at 2am in a club while in a bathroom with a college student. Even if he diddn't do anything which I strongly doubt, why go in the bathroom in the first place? Besides, he had an off duty cop guard the entrance from her friends who were trying to get her out. Ben also got her drunk and this isn't the first time he's been in this situation. The person who taped over the evidence should be in jail along with Roethlisberger, but we don't live in a perfect world.
    Also, I heard that interview on the big show and I thought it was very well said.

  4. Despite my loyalty to the New York Giants, I was hoping the Steelers would pull through and score on that last drive in that last 30 seconds of the fourth quarter. However, this is a really good question. It's been a difficult journey for Big Ben, but there has been athletes in his position before him who have succeeded after this type of public humiliation. One example, my favorite basketball player of all time, and arguably the greatest of all time, Kobe Bean Bryant. It wasn't that long ago that Kobe was in that same position (being accused of sexual harrassment), and was charged not guilty. Whether he did or did not sexual harrass his massage therapist at a spa in Colorado is besides the point. Kobe percerviered, got rhough court, left his social life off the court, and won two more Championships with the Los Angeles Lakers in the five seaons following. For a while it seemed as though the Lakers were completely done as a team. Kobe was being selfish with the ball, Phil Jackson left as head coach, and for the first time in over two decades they didn't make the playoffs. Coming off of a six game suspension at the beginning of the season, I think Big Ben and the Steelers are in really good shape as a franchise. It took the Lakers a while to bounce back when their super star had personal issues, but they're still one of the top teams in the league. The future looks bright for Big Ben, I don't think he's done just yet.

  5. considering the superbowl already happened im not going to predict the score. The question of dividing athletes on the field and off the field has become a topic of great discussion in the sports world. Players like Ben Roethlisberger and mike vick seem to get in trouble too often, yet on the field they continue to play at a high level.
    On the comments of curt schilling, i totally agree with him, and not because he played for the red sox. Players who get and trouble should pay their time, whether in jail or suspension, and when they get back they can still play. Like most sports fans, I will always root my my team, the patriots. IF tom brady was accused of theft or something worse Id still want him to do well, but only so the patriots would do well
