Thursday, February 10, 2011

The CraigsList Congressman

Hey guys,

Previously I have asked you guys about the dangers of FaceBook and other social networking websites; most of you seemed to think that these cites are only dangerous if you allow them to be.  I suppose the same can be said of CraigsList. 

Late last night and early this morning, a story broke concerning a United States Representative from New York’s 26th district (the Buffalo area).  The representative Christopher Lee (R) is accused of responding to a personal add off CraigsList from a thirty four year old woman, then sending her shirtless pictures of himself.  Lee, who is married, resigned his position as a congressman as soon as the story leaked.

Lee has been a staunch conservative in congress basing his office and voting record around family values, the sanctity of traditional marriage, and most recently he voted against allowing gays to serve openly in the United States military.  His actions on CraigsList do not seem to go along with the message he attempts to convey in his professional life.

Being a member of Congress holds him to a higher legal and moral standard, however being an elected official does not make a person perfect… we all make mistakes. 

Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, a Liberal or a Conservative, shouldn’t we expect more from our elected officials?

What do you think?


  1. I think it doesn't matter who you are, you should still be expected to be held to the same standards as everyone else. I think our elected officials shouldn't be held to different standards, but that is hard because everything they do is in the eye of the public. If it was just an average guy, his family and people close to him would be upset over an event like this, but the media and the majority of people would care. Just because he us a US Representative, his personal life is put on public display, and that's why people are making such a big deal out of this, but if he was just a regular guy, nobody would care. I think that people should be held to the same standards, and for the most part they are, its just that some people get more attention than others.

    I feel the same way about Congresswoman Giffords being shot. Every day, tons of people are involved in violence and shootings, and rarely do those things make the news. If someone received a bullet wound to the skull in a supermarket in South Providence, the story would be on the news for a day or two, and then nobody would care. Just because she is a Congresswoman, everyone wants to know how she is doing and how her recovery process is going. I just feel that it is unfair that people who are well known seem to be more important in the eyes of the media than your average Joe, even if they have been involved in the exact same type of situations.

  2. wow is almost the only thing you can say. The guy is kind of creepy. I don't know about everyone else but just because he is a senator from New York doesn't mean he can do what ever he wants. Did he think it through I mean whats to stop the lady from calling the cops or something else. I don't think he though anything through.
    Josh Tate

  3. That is definatley way out of line.... even for a normal guy but one of our own congress man who is MARRIED, we look up to these men, and depend on them to help our country. First off why?! like you are married even if your marriage is bad guess what get a divorce and if you were intrested in this lady DONT send pictures.... and a add on craiglist for pictures of you is a BAD way to go like what are you looking on at craiglist CREEPERS?! sicko

  4. The guy who did this obviously wasnt thinking. Everyone makes mistakes but if you are a Represntative you should watch your actions more carefully. A person would have to be just dumb if they think they can send pictures to someone and get away with it if they are a state Representative. Did he really think the news wouldnt get out? Its like he wanted to get caught. He is supposed to be a Represenative so he should be a good exaple and make wise choices.

  5. I dont think that our elected officials should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us becuase things like this, their personal lifes, does not have anything to do with their work for our country. Therefore they should not have to be held to a higher standard than the rest of us. However, for their own good I think they should think about the consiquences before they do something becuase they know it will be shown to many more people than if a normal person had done it. It would be smart of them to make sure that they don't do anything to make the public look down on them becuase this could hinder them in becoming more sucessful.
    Melissa Abels

  6. I think that this guy who did this should have resigned. Christopher Lee is a scum bag apparently because he shouldn't be messing aroud with other women. I also think that people in office should be held to a higher standard because they are supposed to role models to younger children. If Christopher Lee went to an elementary school and told them to date women when you already have a women would be bad. The best thing that this guy did was resign from his job that he didn't deserve. New York should be embarresed to have him represent them.

  7. Honestly, i think his personal life should be kept to himself and not exposed to the public. This should'nt effect his job and how people think about him because it's none of their business. As long as he meets his expectations of being a congressman, i don't think he should have resigned. Obviously what he did was wrong, but what's done is done and can't be taken back. People need to get over this and let him be!

  8. I think that this guy should be kicked out of his positon. He should of known his job and also that the situation would go public very fast.

  9. think about this. bill clinton terrible husband but absolutley amazing president. its not even related to his job so why should it affect his job.
    Joe Beasley

  10. This guy is an idiot.. It's like a high school rumor, spreads like wildfire, and he should've known that, shame on him...

  11. I think Lee is stupid for not thinking his pic or his story will be exposed because almost everyday personal pictures of celebrities are leaked or shared to the media or the world. He proved himself to be a hypocrite because he talked about traditional famliy and values. He ruined his career and his family. Nobody will look at him in the same way or with the same respect.

  12. Why does it seem that most in office tend to be creeps, scumbags, or just driven into a malicious state of down right disgusting matters. I think that yes it is his personal life but if you're as popular as him you should be expecting to be held to a higher power in any situation. I'm definitely not agreeing with him and what he did, but if someone is going to be as gross as to do something like that, think of all your possible circumstances before you do it. Man, people these days..just becoming more and more idiotic.

  13. Um...ew. Some people have no class. I don't think that it's holding public officials to a higher standard if you expect them to act as everyone else does and/or should. Look at Tiger Woods. He thought that he was above the rules for the average person, and he paid for it when his now ex-wife put a golf club through his windshield when she found out. If someone is in the public view, they should expect that their every move is seen, and the more scandalous, the better.

    I also find it rather amusing that the congressman in question was a supporter of upholding family values and the sanctity of "traditional" marriage. Hypocrites tend to have that effect on me. Good grief, it's disgusting. He's all about family in his speeches, and then goes home and flirts with a woman twenty years younger on craigslist. And, to top it off, he hides like a coward and doesn't face the consequences. When the woman found out and leaked it, he resigned. According to NPR news, he didn't even come in to read his resignation; someone else had to. And this is who we vote to represent us in office. I am ashamed.

  14. I don't think that this is anyone’s business. This is his personal life and people should stay out of it. I understand that he is a congressman, but that doesn’t mean that his life should be open to the public. The reason it is a big deal is because he is married and has kids. Last time I checked, people were murdered for prostitution on craigslist. Therefore, someone like a congressman should know better not to do get involved with that. I don’t think it should be blown up the way it is but I do think that what he did was wrong.

    -Hannah Beattie

  15. Elected officials should be held to the same standard as every other citizen, however this does not take the severity out of what Christopher Lee did though. Any spouse that responds to a personal add from CraigList should be ashamed, no matter what their social standing is. Lee has embarassed his family and Congress. His resignation was the appropriate thing to do.

  16. That's a very inappropriate move, for a United States representative. i am glad that he resigned his postion, we should definitely expect more from one of our State Reps. This is an absolute embarrassment.

  17. wow this dude is dumb. Nothing is hidden from a person who is known in the world especially when you are a congressman. I think he should of thought it through before doing something like that. Its sad to hear something like that cause this jus ruined his reputation as a congressman and not only that he is a married man. sheesh what a creeper!!!
    Vanessa Aristy

  18. I think it is a good thing that he resigned from his position because someone with such closed minded ideas should not be in office, at all. If he has hopes of maintaining "traditional marriage" he probably should start with monogamy. He is obviously not setting a good example. Someone like this does not even deserve to have a say, it is completely unprofessional. People should be held to the same standards because it is only fair, but he should lose his ability to have a say.

  19. Oh boy, another politician with the sex again....See, it disgusts me that these guys do it in the first place, and what further disgusts me is that they drag their wives out into the mix of publicity, and rage, and they apoligize for being a "Terrible Human Being". Certainly what they are doing is wrong, but the apology is just for publicity. These guys need to do what (For lack of a better example) David Letterman did. He said on the air exactly what happened, and admitted to doing those things, and also said that he WAS a creep. What amazes me is that these people NEVER practice what they preach, it's ridiculous.
    Go back to the Richard Nixon school of what i did wrong, buddy, you'll learn alot.

    ~Victoria DuBois

  20. i think that we should hold our elected officals to higher standards. doing things like this as a normal member of society is extremly frowned upon and it coming from a congress men doesnt make it any better, it makes it much worse. if you are married with a family you should deffinatly think about what you are doing and knowing your a congress men youshould assume that an action like this would get out and potentially ruin your future in that job. Lee should be severly punished for embarassing the congress and his family.

  21. I believe that our elected officials should be held to a higher standard. They campaign and make speeches in order to get our votes because they want power, and to be involved in our country. I think with that power comes responsibilty and I think that as an elected official there's just things you don't do. I'm glad that he resigned from his position. It's scary to think that we trust men who want to send half naked pictures of themselves on Craigs List to make decisions for us.
