Monday, February 7, 2011

FaceBook Firings

A Connecticut woman was fired from her job as a medical technician because she criticized her supervisor on Facebook.  Teachers have been fired for posting comments concerning their school administration… one teacher in the U.S. was even fired because a picture of Facebook showed her drinking a beer while on a family vacation in Ireland.

Police have arrested people for various crimes because the guilty parties have boasted about their actions on Facebook and Twitter, and students have been punished because they chose to post their misdeeds openly for all the world to see.

I’m okay with criminals who are stupid enough to spread the word about their criminal exploits getting punished, as I am with students who break rules and openly brag about it.  What I’m not okay with… employers being able to fire someone for voicing their opinion or taking part in completely legal activities.  What gives them the right?

What do you think?

- X


  1. I think it's perfectly justified for students and criminals being punished if they are foolish enough to openly advertise their stupidity. However, I feel that it becomes a little more complicated in the working field. Problems frequently rise pertaining to conflicts between workers and employers. I think that it is perfectly fine for people to voice their opinions, I just think they need to be careful of the way they go about it. It's okay to be aggravated and frustrated, but instead of being immature and venting to the world on Facebook; I feel that it would be much more appropriate to confront the person you are having the issue with, and handle it in a professional manner.

  2. Ughhhhhh... here we go!!!

    I think if you are a student and are stupid enough to brag about that crazy party you had last weekend and how drunk you got... or anything illegal like that, you SHOULD get in trouble for it. People tend to post the stupidest things on facebook, thinking they won't get in trouble for their actions.

    I completely agree with Kelly... if you are having problems with someone, TALK TO THEM! Your entire facebook network doesn't need to know what issues you and your friends are having. Signing onto facebook and seeing things like that just annoy the crap out of me. I mean... GROW UP, and stop complaining about your issues if you're not going to do anything about them!

    Now with the workers issues. You said how that teacher was fired for having beer in her hand in a picture. I feel that is wrong in many ways. She is an adult, and it of age to drink... there shouldn't be an issue. I really hate how ignorant people can be when they talk about teachers and their lives outside of school. THEY ARE PEOPLE... you guys are people, and should be allowed to take pictures on a family vacation, even with beer in your hands! I don't think it was right for that teacher to get in trouble when she did not do anything wrong.

    You said today that some states aren't allowing teachers to have a facebook. I think THAT is wrong. Facebook is a public website, meant for people to connect with their friends. People have facebooks so they can reconnect with people they went to high school with, went to college with, worked with, friends or family that moved away, and friends and family from other countries... nobody should be allowed to tell all teachers that they can't have a facebook.

    I don't know. I'm just babbling... but this issue really bothers me. :P

  3. If students are stupid enough to post things on facebook that they should get in trouble for, such as skipping class or getting drunk at a party, they deserve to get in trouble for it. When people post things on facebook, they don't seem to realize that other people actually do read what they say or look at the pictures they post. Putting something on facebook is almost like putting something on a billboard on 95, because that's how many people can see it. If someone is dumb enough to post things like that, then they should not expect to get away with it, and they should not be surprosed when they do get in trouble for it.

    Similarly, if someone who committed a crime posts it on facebook, its like an open invitation for the police to come find that person. That is just something I don't understand because if you committed a crime, the last thing on your mind (if you don't want to get arrested) should be posting it on facebook. That is just stupid and careless.

    As for facebook posts making people lose their jobs, well I think that is a little bit over the top. People should have the right to express their opinions about things, but only to an extent. If the reason a person is fired from their job for something posted on facebook is justified, then the employer has every right to terminate that person's job. However, if a person is simply expressing an opinion about something that if said outloud would not be a big deal, then termination of a job is not acceptable. So, depending on the situation, a person being fired from their job because of a post on facebook may or may not be justified.

    Teachers are people too, and they should have just as much of a right as anybody else to post whatever they want on facebook. If they want to post pictures from a vacation, that is no different from a fireman or a bank teller or the even the President posting similar pictures. Teachers should not be subject to different rules about what they can and cannot post on facebook just because they have the title of teacher. I think it is ridiculous that that teacher lost her job because of a picture from a vacation. That is unfair and people really need to pay more attention to situations like this. People need to be aware of things like that, and express their opinons if they do not want events like this to continue to occur.

    People take facebook and other similar sites for granted. They post things about where they are and what they are doing much of the day, and myself included, think nothing of it. What people don't realize is that anything they post on facebook can be viewed by virtually anyone, and something that may seem funny or no big deal at the time could get a person into some serious trouble. So basically, people need to be careful about what they post, and think about the consequences before pressing the "share" button.

  4. People being are being punished for voicing their opinions? Not to the boss, not to anyone in particular but on a social networking site. That should not coincide with their life as a teacher (or whatever they are) because it was a personal thing. I agree that kids who think getting destroyed each weekend is cool and tell everyone about it through facebook should have to suffer the consequences, but the things the adults are doing are completely 100% legal. They should not be punished for that at all.

  5. Shannon-Bahnannon... heck yes!! I totally agree with everthing you said! :)

  6. Great thoughts guys! Keep them coming!!!

  7. Although I believe that people should be careful about what they post on the internet, but it should not be able to be held over them like this. In some cases, a person should obviously be fired by what they post, if it is verbally assaulting the person.

    Also I do not believe that they have the right to to take actions such as this, because of our Freedom of Speech. Politicians outwardly disagree with the President, yet President Obama does not have them arrested and thrown into prison.

    Again, if the situation requires that the person be persecuted for their post, then they should be.

  8. My brother is a manager at Daves and awhile ago the company had all managment delete their facebooks because information about the new stores was being leaked. The people that leaked the information got fired, and I don't see it as wrong because they were told to keep it in the company until finalized.

    The teacher that got fired didn't deserve to because, its a facebook and its their own personal site. There has to be some rules for the companies and workers but firing is absurd in the case of the teacher with her picture.

  9. i totally agree with what everyone is saying. but i do not think that facebook is "ruining" everything like people claim. facebook is just a social networking site like any other, it's just that fact that it has become more popular then ever. i mean when myspace was popular you didn’t see things on the news about people getting fired because of what they posted on myspace. i mean i'm sure it happened but it wasn't all over the news. i think that people are taking it too far.

    as for the teacher getting fired, i think that is ridiculous because it was done in an innocent way. she was on vacation.. i mean if she was at a party i can see how that may be inappropriate but she wasn't and i don't think that they should’ve taken to that level. but as for students go, i have no sympathy for kids who post things that can get them in trouble.

    ^^ & i agree with kayla, if you have drama going on, don't post it on facebook because it's just looking for attention and stating crap. if something comes up and your arguing on facebook, that’s one thing, but don't go looking to pick a fight. it's just not worth it and i don't want to see all your personal problems all over my wall feed.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I believe that very little gives these employers the right to fire a worker simply for stating their beliefs. These people are exercising their freedom of speech and are being condemned for their actions.

    Facebook should be viewed as completely seperate from the workplace. The statements made on the social networking site should be monitored, but not blown out of proportion. For example, if a worker posts on Facebook that they do not like their boss, this is acceptable. However, if a person lies about how their employer is embezzling money and falsifying document, then this person should be let go immediately. There is a fine line between which posts are potentially detrimental to the company, and which are not.

    The idea that a boss does not want their ego damaged, or be seen in a negative light, is not grounds to fire a worker. If the information is harmful to the company, and the person is leaking secrets, then a more harsh punishment can be given. Employers have to always remember not to cross that fine line between an understandable firing, and a ridiculous one.

  12. I think some people abuse Facebok and often forget that basically anyone can see the things you post and the pictures you upload. If you're one of the people who think they're cool and are uploading pictures or setting statuses that show you being involved in illegal activities then they deserve to get in trouble. But for teachers and other people to get fired over it is a bit ridiculous. Teachers are people too and they should be able to have a Facebook and say what they want on it or post what they want as long as they aren't involved in anything illegal. So what if that teacher had a picture that showed them drinking and so what if someone said something about their supervisor. We do have the freedom of speech and the right to say what we want to say-- teachers included.

  13. People don't seem to realize that what you put on your facebook, everyone can see. No, not just your friends, or that extended group of everyone whos face you could point out in a crowd known as a "friends list". Or all the bussiness and other pages you pressed that like button for. When yous igned up for facebook,, you gave facebook the right to give others your information. Once its online, its there. Forever. While I too agree that people stupid enough to brag about crimes should be caught, this bussiness of firing people is just ridiculous.

    Im sure some of you have heard of the 16 y/o who was fired for calling her job "boring". She worked at an office as a human shredder, stapler and hole-punch. Riveting stuff right there. She was fired for defamation to the company. She later sued, and won. And as far as teachers go, THEY ARE PEOPLE TOO. People seem to believe that teachers must uphold this paragon of virtue, and if they do anything even remotly seen as not completely perfect, they get fired, or sued or arrested, etc. "How dare that teacher drinks!" says the mom on her 3rd glass of wine. Hyposcrisy people. Its all crap.

  14. i think the facebook firings are ridiculous. you shouldnt be able to be fired for stating your opinion about your job on facebook. facebook is a place where your supposed to be able to post things that you want to. i think that the only way someone should get in trouble for what they write on facebook is if they are threatening someone, saying something that is illegal. if this is the case then the person should be in trouble, but besides that i think what you say on facebook if it is opinion based should go unpunished. I also feel as though a teacher getting in trouble for having a picture drinking in ireland on vaction is also ridiculous, its not like the teacher was drinking with students or coming into work hungover. the teacher should not be able to be penalized for having a good time on a family vacation.

  15. It is completely unfair that employees are getting fired for voicing their opinion. What about our freedom of speech? And about the teacher that had a picture on Facebook of her drinking beer, that is absolutely RIDICULOUS! This teacher was not doing anything illegal. This is a very poor excuse to fire someone.

    I do agree that some people are not very smart about what they post on Facebook. There are two things that people need to remember. First, NO ONE WANTS TO KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE! Everyone says it’s annoying, yet so many people still do it. Second, if your doing or did something illegal, DON’T BRAG ABOUT IT ON FACEBOOK! Your not that cool, someone you don’t want to see it will see it, and you will get into a lot of trouble. For those people who tell everyone about how cool they are because they spent all weekend doing all kinds of illegal things, you are going to get caught, and quite frankly you deserve it.

  16. id have to respectfully disagree with the fact that people cannot voice their opinion. it is simply that i would much rather leave my work exactly there at work. i want to have a life outside of my jobsite and not have to constantly be afraid of what may happen if i express my opinon.
    Joe Beasley

  17. I think people should be fired from their jobs because you should not be posting pictures on facebook of themselves drinking and doing other stuff. If they know there going to get caught they should not do it at all. They are just all stupid then.
