Friday, April 29, 2011


Hey guys,
April 27 and April 28 have gone down as the most tornadic months in United States history.  Tornados ravaged the southern areas of the country leaving a path of destruction and death.  Hundreds of tornados stretching from Alabama all the way to upstate New York claiming the lives of over 300 people, and the death tolls are expected to rise as rescue workers begin to comb the debris.
Some tornados were reported as being over a mile wide with winds over 200 miles per hour.  Entire towns have been erased from the map, millions of people are without power or clean water and proper shelter and need help.
The National Guard has been mobilized in an effort to help those in the direst need.  President Obama has said that the Federal Government is going to help every single person affected by this tragedy, that the government will not forget them.  Hopefully we have learned from the mistakes of Hurricane Katrina on how we should help to take care of our own people…
Below are some links to pictures and videos of the tornados and the damage caused by them.
What can we do to help?  Post some ideas and maybe we can do our small part in helping some Americans in their time of tragedy and need.  
How can you help?
Photos and Videos

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The President can be president...

Hey guys,
Well, the lead news story on NBC Nightly News, CNN World News, Fox News, MSNBC, and a host of online news agencies was… any guesses?...
Massive unemployment?  Gas prices of over $4 a gallon?  Tornadoes in the southern areas of the country which killed over 30 people?  Government violence against peaceful protestors in Syria and Saudi Arabia?  The failing public education system?... no no no…
The thing which occupied the most time was finding out that President Obama was in fact born in Hawaii… if you are not surprised by this, it is because it’s not a surprise.
Over the past two weeks potential Republican candidate Donald Trump has been on a crusade claiming that President Obama was not born on U.S. soil, and thus not eligible to be president. 
Yesterday President Obama released his full birth certificate to finally put all the nonsense to rest.  What took so long for him to do this?  Well, his argument is that he should not have to jump through the hoops set up by Donald Trump.
The “Birthers” who made it their mission to prove Obama not eligible for the presidency are unlikely to put the issue to rest however.  Already some are questioning why the 1961 birth certificate lists Obama as “African” not “Negro”. 
Book publishers who have rushed to produce conspiracy theory books to press say that they are not convinced so they will still ship their books…. (I wonder if the cost of thousands of books on a dead issue has anything to do with their decision…)
It seems some of the “birthers” have a short memory however… in 2008 during the election between then Senator Obama and Senator McCain, it was McCain’s eligibility not Obama’s which was the issue.  McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, prompting some to inquire whether he was eligible as the constitution says a person must be born in the United States in order to become President.  An independent team of lawyers determined McCain was eligible and the issue was put to rest…
 I wonder… if President Obama was a Republican, would people like Donald Trump and the other “birthers” create such a media circus surrounding what many believe is a non-issue and nothing more than political games and smoke screen?  And would Democrats be the ones demanding a birth certificate and calling themselves “birthers”? 
Politics at its worst…
What do you think?
- X

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Good with the Bad...

Hey guys,
So much has been written in the last few years concerning the dangers of social media that some of the benefits of it have been lost along the way.
David Harstein is a partner at JG Visual, an internet strategy company, is a former teacher from New York.  He notes that while he was teaching, school officials made it very clear that teachers were to be careful about what they post on their personal social media pages.  Anytime professional life and personal life merge it can indeed be dangerous.
Harstein is arguing that while it is important for schools to highlight the dangers of social media,the schools also have a responsibility to promote the positive uses of such technology.  Harstein claims that by completely ignoring FaceBook, schools take away a vital communication tool with the community, parents, and students.
“By setting up a Facebook Page, schools can establish a controlled, professional presence that allows them to capitalize on this social space in many important ways, while still protecting their students…”
Click the link at the bottom of the page to see some suggested positive uses of FaceBook which could be implemented in a public school setting…
Feel free to post any other ideas you may have concerning positive productive uses of social media for schools….
-      X

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Little Town of Bethlehem...

Hey guys,
I am always struck on how truly courageous some people are.  I recently saw a film entitled “Little Town of Bethlehem”, which discusses the ongoing Israeli/Palestinian conflict.  The film follows three men, an Arab-Christian living in the occupied territory of Bethlehem, an Israeli combat pilot, and a Muslim Palestinian.
The film was released last November and is truly inspiring… I encourage all of you to try to find a copy of it…
Below is just a small piece of what is so moving about the film… combat pilots refusing to conduct anymore acts of violence against a civilian population… they refuse to follow orders causing them to face court-martial and imprisonment… how many of us would choose to be so brave?
Take a few minutes and read the story below as well as the letter written by the pilots themselves which was dropped instead of bombs...

TIME's 100 Most Influential People...

Hey guys,
TIME magazine has come out with its annual list of the world’s 100 most influential people.  People on the list range from political figures to scientists and from musicians to athletes… and they all are influential in the worlds they inhabit.
 What does it mean to be influential?  Influence is defined as the “capacity or power of a person, persons, or things to be a compelling force on the actions, behaviors, and opinions of others…”  Using that definition, it would difficult to argue against the people included on this list.  Whether or not you agree with them politically, or are fans of them if they are musicians or entertainers, these people definitely exert some sort of power over people.
Remember, this list is not about who are the most important people… (clearly the world could survive without Justin Bieber) the list discusses only how influential a person is… and right now there may not be anyone more influential to the teen music scene in this country.
The list includes the usual suspects like President Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the new face of the Republican Party Paul Ryan; but it also includes little known musicians like Tunisian rapper Hamada Ben Amore, better known as El General whose lyrics helped inspire the country’s revolution against former dictator Ben Ali. 
The list includes actor Matt Damon, but not for his movie roles, but for his quest to educate people to the fact that every 15 minutes a child under the age of 5 from the lack of clean water; his creation of is helping to stop this alarming trend.
Also on the list is Aung San Suu Kyi, the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winning peace advocate from Burma.  She has spent most of the last twenty years in some sort of political prison, yet still fights for basic human rights.
The list also includes controversial religious figures like Rob Bell who argues against the concept of Hell in Christian theology, and the American born terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki who now lives in Yemen and justifies acts of terror against the United States.
This list is filled with people you know and some amazing people you likely have never heard of… but is anyone missing?  Take a few minutes, look at the list and try to come up with at least one person whom you feel is influential, but missing. (Remember to stick to the above definition of influence.)
Do you disagree with anyone who is on the list?  Did TIME include someone who does not really influence actions or opinions?
What do you think?,29569,2066367,00.html

Monday, April 25, 2011

I don't wanna know! okay...maybe I do...

Hey guys,

Welcome back!!!

If you could download an App which would tell you the date of your death, would you do it?  Would you want to know the exact moment and manner of your death?

There have been numerous studies conducted by the American Psychological Association, Psychology Today, Scientific Mind, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and others to find out if people would want to know when they would come face to face with their mortality.  The overwhelming response (about 90%) was that people do not want to know.

People who said they would want to know the date of their death argued that if they knew when they would die, they could live life to the fullest without fear of consequence or repercussions.  They said that knowing when they would die would take away the daily fear of death.

The majority of people however argued that knowing would cause them to obsess about that date and not allow them to enjoy life; that it would in fact make them fear death more.

In the June issue of Psychology Today an article by Bruce Grierson discusses this issue from a different angle.  Grierson discusses whether or not people would want to know if they are more likely to contract a terminal illness with medical screening.  

The article discusses that people often avoid the doctor for fear that the doctor will find something wrong with them... they argue that if they don’t go, the doctor can’t find anything.  Some would rather not obsess about an illness they can’t do anything about.

The counter argument however is clearly that some illnesses can be treated if found early enough.  For example many forms of cancer are treatable if discovered early, but are fatal if they are discovered later.

The article goes on to discuss that medical science is making it possible to test your DNA to discover (very early in life) whether or not you are predisposed to contracting specific illnesses, cancer among them.  They cannot say for certain if you will contract an illness, but they can tell you whether or not you are more likely to.

Like the debate concerning the date of death, people disagree on whether or not they want to know if they are likely to get an illness or disease.

I know my mother often avoids the doctor because “they always find something...”  I often avoid the dentist for the same reason... logically I know that any issues I have are there whether or not I go to the dentist, but psychologically... well that’s something completely different.

So... would you want to know?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Under the knife...

Hey guys,
How far would you go to stop bullying? 
Good Morning America has been doing stories on people getting plastic surgery and recently Samantha Shaw, a first grader from South Dakota, went under the knife to pin back her cup ears and fix a fold on her right ear.
The strange twist in this story is that Samantha herself says that she hasn’t really been bullied; in fact it seems that adults have made more comments than kids.  Her mom says that the surgery was more preventative… a just in case.  She is afraid that her daughter will get picked on in the future.
Is this a drastic step for a child so young to undergo plastic surgery?  Or is her mom is doing what is right by protecting her daughter from potential teasing and bullying?
What do you think?
Check out the video link at the bottom of this blog… and see some celebs who have had some ear issues of their own…
-      X

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Buddy" needs help...

Hey guys,
There is a 9-year old chow/golden retriever mix who needs some help.  Buddy who came to the rescue of the Rhode Island Youth Theatre’s production of “Annie” six weeks ago by taking on the role of Sandy at the last minute is scheduled to be euthanized on Sunday!
After seeing the show, several people expressed interest in adopting Buddy, no one has followed through.  Buddy need surgery on let which will cost $1800, a surgery that the East Greenwich Animal Protection league will pay for if someone is willing to adopt her by Sunday.  Following surgery she will need medication costing about $11 a month.
A few people from Pilgrim have called about Buddy as well and because of her age and her injured leg, a family with other dogs may not be the best placement as she will need to rest and recover from the surgery.
If you or anyone you know could possibly help Buddy please call Tammy Flanagan at the East Greenwich Animal Protection League at 401-241-4541.  Buddy is very friendly and fine with children, but again needs a home without other animals!  Hurry…Time is running out for Buddy!!!
- X

An award for this?

Hey guys,
Last October a 20 year old student athlete from Massachusetts was shot and killed by a NYC police officer.  According to the police report, the victim, Danroy Henry Jr. was approached when his car was parked in a fire lane.  The police approached the car and tapped on the window to get Henry’s attention.  Henry then accelerated the car hitting Officer Aaron Hess sending him onto the hood of the car and causing serious damage to Hess’ leg.
Hess and another officer fired at the car while it sped away, killing Henry.  This week, The Police Benevolent Association of the Pleasantville Police Department gave Hess an award for actions of professionalism in handling the situation.
Henry’s family has taken issue with Hess receiving this award.  They say that giving an award to Hess is insensitive and unnecessary.  They claim that there is no reason to honor an officer who killed a 20 year-old in such a senseless incident stating that some officers feel that they are above the law…
What do you think?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hey Bartender...

Hey Guys,
As you know, most European countries have somewhat relaxed laws regarding drinking.  The majority of Europe sets the drinking age at 18, yet very few countries enforce the law.  In the United State, 21 is the legal age for consumption of Alcohol, and in most areas of the country that law is taken very seriously.  Some argue that because 18 year-olds can vote and can serve in the military, they should be allowed to drink as well.  It seems that a certain Applebee’s location in Michigan would agree that the drinking age should be lowered…
Last Friday, Taylor Dill-Reese went into a Madison Heights Applebee’s for dinner.  She ordered her 15-Month-old son Dominick an apple juice… what he got instead was a margarita!  After a few minutes Dominick’s mom realized that something was not quite right with Dominick… she said he “kind of laid his head on the table and dozed off a little bit and woke up and got real happy.”  Dominick then began to talking loudly to people walking by the table… waiters and other customers.
The danger to Dominick was very real… at such a young age and low weight, combined with his still developing immune and digestive systems, alcohol poisoning could easily have killed him.  He appears however to have recovered with no major side effects.
Applebee’s released a statement on Monday saying it was relieved that Dominick was “not seriously injured as a result of accidentally receiving the wrong beverage…”
All Applebee’s locations are undergoing a redesign of their bar areas to ensure such an accident does not happen again.
It is unclear whether or not Dominick’s mom is going to sue Applebee’s.  Should she sue?  Does she have a responsibility to check her son’s “apple juice”?  Or does the restaurant have more of the responsibility?
What do you think?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Real-life "Dexter"...

Hey Guys,
One of the most popular television shows of the past few years has been the Showtime original series “Dexter.”  In the show the title character works for the police as a forensics expert, however he has a dark secret.  Dexter is a serial killer… except he only kills those who kill.  Dexter is a vigilante who takes it upon himself to kill people who are guilty of murder, and because he is a forensics expert, he knows exactly how to commit the perfect crime… it seems sometimes life can imitate art…
People in New York City are living a real life spin-off of “Dexter.”  This killer however is not targeting other violent criminals; he is focusing his attention on prostitutes.  Serial killers have focused their attention on prostitutes since the days of Jack the Ripper, and unlike in Jack’s day, killers of today find their prey when the prostitutes advertise their services on Craigslist.
The killer has been linked to as many as nine victims.  Police say it is clear this person understands how police go about investigating crime, he knows how the police utilize technology, and he knows how the police think.  There are some who are beginning to think the killer is a cop or perhaps a former cop.
Clearly this person is not exactly like the character Dexter, but it does make you think a bit… Is it acceptable to take the law into your own hands in order to punish the guilty outside the confines of the legal system?
What do you think?
-      X

Monday, April 11, 2011

SADD's Mocktail and Drunk Driving Laws

Hey guys,

Forgive me for possibly being the last to know… but last Thursday members of Pilgrim’s SADD program took first place in MADDRI’s annual Mocktail Event. 

The event included 24 high schools from around the state coming together to raise awareness about safety during prom and graduation season… clearly the most dangerous time of year for teens to be involved in drinking and driving.’

I look forward to trying the winning Mocktail at APE this year!  And I look forward to a safe prom and graduation season as well.

Congratulations to all those involved in the SADD program, including Ms Ferrara.

SADD’s MockTail event comes on the heels of the introduction of a bill in the Rhode Island legislature aimed at eliminating drunk-driving checkpoints.  The checkpoints can be set up by police in order to test the sobriety levels of any driver traveling through that particular area.   Cranston Representative Charlene Lima wants to ban the checkpoints saying they are unfair and reek of a police state.  She believes that sober drivers shouldn’t have to prove to police that they are not driving under the influence and that police should need probable cause to pull any over any vehicle.

I can see her point, yet personally I’m willing to be inconvenienced a little to ensure the roads are safe…

What do you think?

-      X

Friday, April 8, 2011

Tough week at several schools...

Hey Guys,
This past week has seen several unfortunate events unfold from as far away as Rio de Janeiro to as close as Middletown.
Yesterday a gunman entered Tasso da Silveira Middle School in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  The gunman, 24 year old Wellington Menezes de Oliveira was a former student of the school, and he walked in claiming that he was there to speak to students.  He began firing and killed twelve students ages 12-14.  (Some reports are saying 13 students were killed.)  After killing his victims, de Oliveira turned the gun on himself.  In a suicide note, he asked for God’s forgiveness for what he had done.
In Austin, TX yesterday at Leander High School, the body of a 15 year old female student was found in one of the girl’s bathrooms.  The student had shot herself in the head with a .22 pistol.  Friends say that the student had told several people that he was going to kill herself… no one took her seriously… following the discovery of her body in the bathroom, the school had to deal with a bomb threat… at the same school only last week a male student was found dead, the victim of an apparent drug overdose…
This week has also seen the development of a case of apparent sexual assault by two teachers from Paramus Catholic High School in New Jersey.  The two teachers, Michael Sumulikoski, 27 and Artur Sopel, 31, are accused of having inappropriate sexual contact with several female students during a class trip to Germany over the summer.  As of this morning, four different female students have accused the two men.
Finally yesterday at Gaudet Middle School in Middletown, RI students reported hearing rumors that someone had a gun in the school.  The school was put on lock-down as the police searched, as the day progressed, more rumors spread about a potential bomb being at the school.  Nothing was found, students were sent home two hours late after police said it was safe to leave classrooms.  Classes are running normally today.
These stories prove once again that students, teachers, administrators, and parents all need to take the threat of violence and inappropriate behavior very seriously… we all have to take responsibility for making our school and our students safe from all types of dangers….
What do you think?
Have a great weekend!
-      X

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Making it up as we go...

Hey guys,
With the pending release of convicted murderer Michael Woodmansee, Rhode Island lawmakers are trying to pass a law which would make it possible for authorities to keep convicted criminals in mental health facilities as long as they are deemed to be a threat to society. 
The law would focus not only on murderers like Woodmansee and Craig Price, but also on convicted sex offenders as well.  Basically, if a psychiatrist determines that a person is likely to re-offend, they can lock them up indefinitely.
There are already 20 states which have similar laws on the books, and civil liberties unions have been fighting the legality and constitutionality of these laws.
While I do not believe that people who choose to commit such violent crimes should ever be released, I do have a problem with changing the rules as we go.  The law basically will make it so people can be deemed mentally competent to stand trial and face conviction, then when the time comes for release, they can then be declared mentally incompetent.  You can’t have it both ways… either the person in mentally healthy or not.
I think this sets a dangerous precedent.  Our legal system forces criminals to pay a debt to society, and I feel that debt should be severe for violent and sexual offenders.
… when person is sentenced to a specific period of time… at the end of that time the person must be released… not held indefinitely based solely on a recommendation from a doctor… what’s next, imprisonment based personality tests which determine if we may at some point commit a crime?
What is the solution?  In my opinion… change the law so judges are allowed to sentence these criminals to longer prison terms… a life sentence for murderers and sexual offenders seems appropriate, what is not appropriate is making the rules up we go…
What do you think?
- X

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rhode Island Intolerance...

Hey guys,
It would seem that as of late,  examples of intolerance have been in no short supply.  Enter Vincent B. Smith of Johnston.  Smith had a restraining order issued against him because he repeatedly hurled homophobic and racial epithets at neighbors.
One of Smith’s neighbors is a multi-racial family with bi-racial children… the children were often the focus of Smith’s verbal assaults causing the family to move from the neighborhood.  Smith’s other target was a gay neighbor who has claims that Smith has smashed in the windows of his apartment and verbally assaults him whenever he gets the opportunity.  Smith is being charged with breaking the windows.
A judge has put a no-contact order against Smith.  If he has an unwanted contact with either party, Smith can be arrested and thrown in jail.
These types of stories are in the news almost every day, and the more I read them, the more I can’t understand why people cannot simply live and let live.  People have different beliefs and different values, and that is what makes America great… however America’s strength lies in its diversity and tolerance…
Have your own beliefs, have your own values… but understand that having those beliefs and values does not give you the right to take away the rights and safety of any other person…
What do you think?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mmm, Mmm... Good...

Hey guys,
We all have heard the jokes and criticisms about cafeteria food.  There isn’t much variety, the quality isn’t really the best, and sometimes it is even pretty expensive.  All things considered though, I think the food offered at Pilgrim during lunch is decent… there is enough to choose from so you can eat healthy if you want, or have a slice of pizza instead.
With the exception of one particular incident I had in elementary school, I have always assumed the food being served in school was at least safe and reasonably fresh.  In some Massachusetts schools, that would not be a safe assumption.
Schools in Boston and around Massachusetts were found to be serving food that was more than six weeks beyond its expiration date!  These items included meats and some dairy products.  According to newspaper reports, officials are not sure where the mistake occurred but are investigating.  They also wanted to ensure parents that the food being served to their children is safe to eat.  However, across the state this past week, lunch sales have dramatically dropped… gee, I wonder why.
No such incidents have been reported in Rhode Island… so enjoy... though I think I’ll be brown bagging it from now on…
What do you think?
-      X

Monday, April 4, 2011

Burn baby burn...

Hey guys,
You may not remember, but back in September Terry Jones, the leader of the Dove Outreach Center in Florida stated that he was planning on burning the Koran at Ground Zero in New York to commemorate 9-11.  The fifty member new-age church claims that its members have been chosen by God to lead the country into a new era.  Their website sells t-shirt, coffee cups, books, and a number of other items all with the phrase “Islam is of the Devil” written on it.
In late march Terry Jones took it upon himself to put the Koran on trial.  In a mock judicial proceeding Jones had lawyers for the defense and prosecution, called upon witnesses, and he himself sat as the judge.  The Koran was found guilty of “rape, murder, and terrorism” and was publicly executed by burning on March 20 after its “conviction.”
This past weekend has seen violent protests in a number of Middle Eastern countries in response to the burning of the Koran… about a dozen people have died as a result of these protests which were prompted when the news of the burning finally reached areas around the world. 
I am disgusted by these types of actions.  Disgusted by people like Terry Jones who feels it is necessary to prove his own faith by trying to rip holes in others… putting the Koran on trial for the actions of a small minority of those who claim to follow it… really?  Should we review all the misdeeds of followers of the Bible?  And are we to assume that the Bible is responsible for the actions of Christian fundamentalists?  I think not…
Terry Jones is a first class con-artist… his website is littered with links to donation pages where you can help his cause, buy some of his propaganda, and purchase mugs, t-shirts, and lunch boxes.
We will never achieve peace so long as people like Terry Jones and fundamentalists from all three “Peoples of the Book” seek to force their will on others. 
Last Friday I had lunch with a Muslim Imam, a Jewish Cantor, a Catholic Priest, and a Lutheran Minister… their message was simple and to the point, they said “there are multiple paths to God and we need not hurt others to find our way.”
These men will be speaking to my classes in the coming weeks and I am curious to hear their take on incidents like the Koran burning and people like Terry Jones.
What do you think?
-      X

UPDATE:  4/5/11
Pastor Terry Jones gave an interview yesterday stating that he is not responsible for the deaths due to the violence which as erupted since his group burned a copy of the Koran.  In this case I tend to agree with him... while the burning of a Holy Book is a disgusting act, responding to that act with violence is not acceptable.

    Jones also stated that his group has started to receive hundreds of death threats by mail and email each day.  The police and FBI have said that it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to protect the Dove Outreach Center and they are getting tired of Jones' antics and rhetoric.

    One final note, in an interview with a local television station in Florida this week, Jones was asked how he protects himself... he then took out a gun which he keeps on him at all times... a strange sight for a man of God...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Take me out to the ball game...NOW!

Hey Guys,
Yesterday was opening day for the 2011 major league baseball season; and today at 4:00 the Red Sox open up their year in Texas against the Rangers.
I understand that not everyone is a fan of baseball; that some of you liken a 9-inning game to watching paint dry.  Baseball is a slow moving game with moments of intense action sandwiched between long periods of nothingness.  Granted, that for today’s younger generation, who have grown up in the information age and a world of instant satisfaction, baseball’s poetry, beauty, and grace is lost on them.
Baseball helped to write the history of the 20th century.  During periods of national despair, of triumph, of racial strife, and great fears, there was baseball.  Baseball is a microcosm of the American Experience, and I truly hope that those of you who do not appreciate the simply beauty of this game, can at some point in your life come see this game for what it really is... magic.
For me, baseball was one of the few things that brought me and my father together.  My father was not the best of men nor the best of father’s… not by a long shot.  But he would show up for my baseball games.  He would miss thanksgiving, I wouldn’t see him at Christmas or birthdays, but he was there for baseball games.  He took me to my first professional game and introduced me to Fenway Park.  And when my father died, he was buried with a ball from a no-hitter I threw a few months before.  At the 14-year old all-star state tournament, in my first at-bat after he died, I wrote his initials in the dirt next to the batter’s box, then I stepped to the plate and hit my only career home run.  He was still there for baseball.
So turn a game on, relax and enjoy.  There is no game like it in the world!
“People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball.  I'll tell you what I do.  I stare out the window and wait for spring.”    ~Rogers Hornsby

-         X