Thursday, April 28, 2011

The President can be president...

Hey guys,
Well, the lead news story on NBC Nightly News, CNN World News, Fox News, MSNBC, and a host of online news agencies was… any guesses?...
Massive unemployment?  Gas prices of over $4 a gallon?  Tornadoes in the southern areas of the country which killed over 30 people?  Government violence against peaceful protestors in Syria and Saudi Arabia?  The failing public education system?... no no no…
The thing which occupied the most time was finding out that President Obama was in fact born in Hawaii… if you are not surprised by this, it is because it’s not a surprise.
Over the past two weeks potential Republican candidate Donald Trump has been on a crusade claiming that President Obama was not born on U.S. soil, and thus not eligible to be president. 
Yesterday President Obama released his full birth certificate to finally put all the nonsense to rest.  What took so long for him to do this?  Well, his argument is that he should not have to jump through the hoops set up by Donald Trump.
The “Birthers” who made it their mission to prove Obama not eligible for the presidency are unlikely to put the issue to rest however.  Already some are questioning why the 1961 birth certificate lists Obama as “African” not “Negro”. 
Book publishers who have rushed to produce conspiracy theory books to press say that they are not convinced so they will still ship their books…. (I wonder if the cost of thousands of books on a dead issue has anything to do with their decision…)
It seems some of the “birthers” have a short memory however… in 2008 during the election between then Senator Obama and Senator McCain, it was McCain’s eligibility not Obama’s which was the issue.  McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, prompting some to inquire whether he was eligible as the constitution says a person must be born in the United States in order to become President.  An independent team of lawyers determined McCain was eligible and the issue was put to rest…
 I wonder… if President Obama was a Republican, would people like Donald Trump and the other “birthers” create such a media circus surrounding what many believe is a non-issue and nothing more than political games and smoke screen?  And would Democrats be the ones demanding a birth certificate and calling themselves “birthers”? 
Politics at its worst…
What do you think?
- X


  1. I believe that this is simply a ploy for Donald Trump to attract more attention to himself. Trump just wants support in a possible presidential campaign that, I believe, is slated to fail; and horribly, at that. I just do not think that famous people, such as, Trump can be trusted by the American people. Sure, Reagan was popular, but his acting career faded somewhat before he decided to run for the presidency. Sure, maybe celebrities can work as governors (Schwarzenegger), but not as the president. The groundswell of support can only last so long.

    That being said, I think that if Obama was a Republican, there would be some sort of Democratic effort to disprove his birth certificate. Obama has come out with his proof. It should be all said and done. Time to end the stupidity.

    -Jake M.

  2. The news channels need to focus on what is actually news. We already knew Obama was an American. I think the fact that he was elected should be enough for everyone. People are getting so stupid. Our country is so screwed up right now and the fact that Obama repeated himself is news appalls me. Now tomorrow's news will be the royal wedding. Like that's news.

    We've got to sort out our priorities.

    -Brandon Maxwell

  3. ...potential republican candidate? thats disgusting...

  4. I know that people are looking for any excuse to get rid of Obama, but this is ridiculous. I'm sure that they run background checks before the candidates even get to the primaries. It would have been shown that Obama was not an American then, and he wouldn't be the current president. To try to do that now, when there are so many more important things going on, is undermining their entire mission, which is, if not to topple Obama, at least to create the seed of doubt. Now they are getting what they deserve: scorn.
