Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Good with the Bad...

Hey guys,
So much has been written in the last few years concerning the dangers of social media that some of the benefits of it have been lost along the way.
David Harstein is a partner at JG Visual, an internet strategy company, is a former teacher from New York.  He notes that while he was teaching, school officials made it very clear that teachers were to be careful about what they post on their personal social media pages.  Anytime professional life and personal life merge it can indeed be dangerous.
Harstein is arguing that while it is important for schools to highlight the dangers of social media,the schools also have a responsibility to promote the positive uses of such technology.  Harstein claims that by completely ignoring FaceBook, schools take away a vital communication tool with the community, parents, and students.
“By setting up a Facebook Page, schools can establish a controlled, professional presence that allows them to capitalize on this social space in many important ways, while still protecting their students…”
Click the link at the bottom of the page to see some suggested positive uses of FaceBook which could be implemented in a public school setting…
Feel free to post any other ideas you may have concerning positive productive uses of social media for schools….
-      X


  1. I do believe that facebook can be a valid way of communication between families, friends, and community. I don't think that facebook should be shunned completely as a danger to the people who choose to use it. I just think people need to take responsibility for their own actions on social websites, and realize the possible dangers that could occur.

    ~Kelly Corrigan

  2. I think that facebook is very effective in communications between families. Seeing your family and friends that might not be in the same state as you, the only way you can really see them is through facebook. Facebook really isn't dangerous as long as you use it the way that it is designed. This is the case with every type of technology though. Many people using these technologies need to learn how use all of the technology properlly, and not mess things up for everyone else.

  3. I think that schools should make social networking pages. A large majority of students already have one so it would be easier to send out information. I know many of my classmates don't use their first class, but log onto facebook everyday. Posting on both would cut out a lot of confusion and frustration.

    -Brandon Maxwell

  4. I think that this is kind of a nosey idea. It is sort of your school stalking your personal life. I know not many people would have a facebook page if schools did this because sometimes people swear on facebook and it makes them look bad. Also if someone is bullying someone on facebook, and if it's bad shouldn't the person being bullied at least tell an adult or something. But anyway I do believe schools should make a facebook page if it is like a group or something. A group on facebook is when people choose to follow that group page and see status updates and stuff by the group or person that created the group. We have one for freshmen baseball and people post stuff like do we have practice or what time's our game? So it is useful for something like that. Schools should just make facebook pages if it is just a group and to keep their students updated on daily activities or other stuff.
