Friday, April 15, 2011

Under the knife...

Hey guys,
How far would you go to stop bullying? 
Good Morning America has been doing stories on people getting plastic surgery and recently Samantha Shaw, a first grader from South Dakota, went under the knife to pin back her cup ears and fix a fold on her right ear.
The strange twist in this story is that Samantha herself says that she hasn’t really been bullied; in fact it seems that adults have made more comments than kids.  Her mom says that the surgery was more preventative… a just in case.  She is afraid that her daughter will get picked on in the future.
Is this a drastic step for a child so young to undergo plastic surgery?  Or is her mom is doing what is right by protecting her daughter from potential teasing and bullying?
What do you think?
Check out the video link at the bottom of this blog… and see some celebs who have had some ear issues of their own…
-      X


  1. I think that Samantha’s mom should not have been that drastic as to get her first grader to have plastic surgery. Even if Samantha’s ears were very bad she should not have had them fixed at such a young age. If children had been bullying her a lot and her ears had become a big problem then maybe she should have put the surgery into consideration but no children had been teasing her about it. The only people that had made comments were adults which I think is horrible because if the child doesn’t feel insecure about her look than adults should not be being rude to the child and saying that they need to be fixed. As a first grader Samantha is still not done growing. Maybe the rest of her body could have grown into proportion with her head and ears. If she had begun to get teased by children later years at school maybe she should get it done but I think any plastic surgery is stupid, especially on a first grader. Even if her ears were bad she could embrace her look or just cover her ears with her hair.

  2. I think getting a first grader to have cosmetic plastic surgery is very drastic. Samantha said herself that she was not being bullied about her ears, and if she doesn't think she is then it obviously isn't bothering her. I think the best step for her mom would have been to wait until she was older and then look into plastic surgery. Also, in the future if she did start to get bullied a lot, then maybe it would be good to look into plastic surgery. But right now she is only seven years old, and I think plastic surgery on a seven year old is a very drastic move that could be avoided until it becomes a severe problem.

  3. I think making a first grader undergo plastic surgery is unnecessary and ridiculous. If she's not being teased and if she doesn't have a confidence or self esteem issue related to her ears then there is absolutely no reason for her to need plastic surgery. If she is comfortable in her own skin, then let her be comfortable. Maybe later on down the road if she views it as a problem surgery could come into play, but as a first grader I don't see the point and I think it is completely absurd.

    ~Kelly Corrigan

  4. I feel as though her mother is not doing this for her daughter. It seems like the mother doesn't want to be teased herself about her daughters ears. I feel like a good mother would leave the situation alone until it absolutley must be attended. If the child has no problem with the way she looks the mother should have been happy and not of made her undergo plastic surgery.

  5. It's so sad that something so small is such a huge deal, I have two absolutely amazing brother with absolutely giant ears. It isn't an unacceptable physical trait, its just EARS omg who cares and hers are not even that bad. I have a sister who is in Jr. high school going through that super-self-conscious-about-the-things-on-her-body-that-she-cant-help phase and I really see how much appearance means to a little girl. I wish i knew how to change that but with the sexualized media exposed to younger and younger ages it's inevitable. Girls are supposed to be perfect, when those photo-shopped models of perfection are idolized by everyone what else are you supposed to think?
    I spent all this weekend prom dress shoppiong (thank god never again) and I really realized how critical girls are of themselves. I actually heard one girl say that the SIZE 0 dress was making her look fat...she was like the size of my thigh. That really made me think about how ridiculous this is...what ISN'T advertised is that the best way to be beautiful is to think you are beautiful, and that being like the models in a magazine is not normal... only a few people are given that type of body (good for them!) and it isn't bad to be different.

  6. I think that at such a young age it is a mistake to get plastic surgery. She was only in first grade; adults are the ones who should be getting it IF absolutely necessary. Even if she did have really big ears, her mom should have waited and let her make that decision for herself later in her life when she knew more what was going on and what plastic surgery really is. I also think it is rude of the adults that made comments; I think sometimes they don’t realize that even though it is just a little kid they are talking about, the kid knows what they are saying.
    Melissa Abels

  7. I think that this is ridiculous. a first grader should not be getting plasitc surgery unless it is absolutley necessary, I actually think that no one should get plastic surgery unless they HAVE to. I think it is sad that our society is so fixated on appearance. The term beautiful can have so many meanings, it does not mean everyone has to look like Barbie dolls. The saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder is true. Especially now with the impact of the media, parents should be the people encouraging you to be comfortable with your appearance. By the mom making her first grader have this procedure, she is sending her daughter the wrong message about beauty and herself. Although she may be trying to protect her daughter, she could actually be causing more harm.
