Monday, February 14, 2011

Power to the people!

Hey guys,
Being Valentine’s  Day, today’s topic clearly needed to be about love or relationships and such… but first there is another story that I thought I’d mention…
A man in Oregon was arrested because he was speeding; traveling in excess of 140mph.  Did the police see him?  No.  So how did they know he was speeding?  He posted a video of himself on YouTube going 140mph… ha ha! I get to today’s topic… I just want to mention that

Anyway… today’s topic …
One of the most divisive issues in America today is the gay marriage debate.  Some Individual states have passed state laws allowing gay marriage, and others have banned the practice.  It would appear that Rhode Island will be the next state to decide on this issue.
In North Kingston, supporters of gay marriage held a rally to express their views, and to let law makers know that the time has come for a decision concerning gay marriage in Rhode Island.
How can Rhode Island decide the issue?  Well the issue could be decided in the General Assembly… our elected officials could pass a law in ensuring the rights of homosexual couples to marry, or pass a law banning the practice. 
The other option; the issue could be put to the voters themselves; much like the casino debate or the recent attempt to change Rhode Island’s name, the legality of gay marriage could be placed in the hands of the people… this is a democracy after all…
Should this issue be settled by the General Assembly, or should Rhode Islanders be given the power to decide on this volatile issue?
What do you think?


  1. Basically, I think it should be put up to a vote and Rhode Islanders should be allowed to decide on this issue. It should not be up to one guy, or a small group of people to decide on such an important issue.

  2. I think people should decide for themselves. I think Rhode Islanders should vote for themselves. One guy should vote for everyone else.

  3. People should vote. It has to be fair and not just a group of people to decide or make laws for other people. This law is very important for gays therefore, it should be fair.

  4. The decision should be up to the voters. Gay marriage affects the people. Granted that it does affect the legislatures because they are people, but there are more people than legislatures. Also, if the vote does no go in favor of one side then the people can not blame legislatures.

  5. I think that Rhode Islanders should be given the power to decide. We should be able to vote on these issues rather than have our General Assembly decide for us. Gay marriage is a very controversial issue, and having the decision being held in the hands of a few government officials will cause a lot of unrest among Rhode Islanders.

  6. I personally think we shouldn't be able to vote on whether or not two people can marry, if you want to get married, you should be able to. If you don't want to, then don't.

  7. It'about time! Gay marriage should have been legalized a very long time ago. equal rights are vital. regaurdless of your sexual preference, if someone lives in this state and decide they want to be married it should be nobody elses business, but theirs!

  8. I think that decision should be up to Rhode Islanders. This way the decision will be what the people of the state want and not just what the General Assembly wants.

  9. no gay marrage should affect no one seriously its not your choice who people go out with and there is absolutly no adverse affect so seriously who cares if two men marry i hope they're happy together

  10. The people have a right to vote, but it's ridiculous that there's even a debate about this. People have the right to marry who they want. People who disagree have that right, but they would also be the first to complain if they thought that their rights were being infringed upon. Discrimination against homosexuals has gone on for too long, and it's time that it stopped. I highly doubt that there was ever a vote, or debate at all really, on whether heterosexual marriage should be legal.

  11. i think that rhode islanders should have the right to vote. my personal view on the matter is that they should be allowed to get married. if your in love and want to get married then they should be allowed to. i think that marriage should be about love. for people who say marriage is religion thing; gay people arent asking for a religious ceremony. they are asking for the right to have their relationship recognized by law. thats just my personal view; take it or leave it :)

  12. What if the world was turned around, and they did same sex marriages all the time? Then there would be a big issue whether or not straight marriages should be allowed, homosexual marriages should be legalized. If someone brings uyp religion into it, the U.S practices freedom and freedom of religion.

  13. Honestly, i think it's rediculous to vote on something such as marriage. Everyone should have the freedom to do as they please. Seriously, gays aren't harming anything by getting married, so why do people care?! Well since this voting isn't going to change, all rhode islanders should have their own choice, therfore should all vote individually.

  14. i think its rediculous we have to vote on marriage rights. people should be able to decide for themselves and not have laws on gay marriage. people shouldn't care what other people do with their lives.

  15. Okay. This really annoys me. There is no real reason against gay rights. Heres the big 3 arguments:

    - Religion: the same book that condems gays in the Bible also condems shaving, lobster, cotton blends and conversing with a girl on her period (Leviticus 19:27, 11:10, 19:19, 15:19-20)

    - It's unaturaul: Technically so is the platypus...

    - "It will destroy the sanctity of marraige": the 41-50% divorce rate managed that on its own thank you.

  16. There is nothing wrong with gay marriage and people take the bible out of context. It clearly states in Genesis 1 of the Old Testament that god put people on Earth to "be fruitful". So that means that couples that don't want children are just as "wrong", right? Of course not, that's because people have a choice. There are some times when the locals should have a say on things and this is one of those times.
