Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eye for an Eye???

Hey guys,

Yesterday, Illinois passed a law repealing the death penalty.  Illinois governor Pat Quinn also cleared death row commuting death row inmate sentences to Life in Prison without the Hope of Parole.

The law which goes into effect on July 1, will make Illinois the 16th sate to abolish the death penalty.  Reactions around Illinois are mixed.  Some say that murderers do not deserve the right to live, while others state that too many innocent people have been put on death row, only to be cleared of their crimes as new evidence is made available.

Most nations, including virtually all of Europe have abandoned the death penalty.  Among the 58 nations worldwide which still use it, are the United States, China, Thailand, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, and Japan.

In a poll in October, researches found that roughly 64% of Americans favor the death penalty for murders.

What do you think?


  1. As a Catholic, i believe that two wrongs don't make a right. How can we discipline people by telling them that they're going to die instead of loosing their freedom for life? Alot of people will say they don't believe in it, but if it comes down to their families, they want the person responsible dead. Death is an easier way out, rather then not having free will for the rest of your life.

  2. I am for repealing the death penalty. Although most of the people on death row are bad people, I'd rather have them rot in a jail cell. Although it is also immoral, that takes a back seat to my hatred for them.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A few months ago, I was in favor of the death penalty. However, after thinking the concept over for awhile, I changed my mind.

    I believe that receiving life in prison, or an incredibly lengthy sentence, such as 90 years, or 100 years, is more suffering than being killed on the spot. Unless the criminal is a psychopathic five-year-old, there is little chance of the person making it out of incarceration during their lifetime. A long sentence such as this equates to the death penalty. The person will be in prison, locked up, for the rest of their lives. I think the never-ending monotony of a life sentence, or a century-long incarceration, would be less brutal than the death penalty, but still enough punishment.

    While I have a deep, loathsome hatred for these cold-blooded criminals, I honestly do not believe killing them is the way to approach the situation. A life, or prolonged, sentence would be much more fitting. If you honestly want to watch these people suffer, stand in front of their jail cell door, and stare at them. You know that they will be behind those bars for a very, very long time. You are free to do what you want, and they are restricted to the same lifestyle everyday. They are apart of a conformed society, where they are no different than anyone else in that prison. You, on the other hand, have the right to do and say whatever you please in the free world. Essentially, knowing that you have freedom, and that they do not, and may never have it again, is much more relieving than simply putting them to death in a matter of a few seconds.

  5. To be honest my views on the death penalty are sort of mixed. I don't believe in an eye for an eye because when does that stop, I view an eye for an eye as a giant cycle. However I do think that criminals such as murders and rapist need to be punished more than just life in prison. I know when you are in prison you give up all your rights and stuff like that but I don't think that's equal to the pain the person faced or that their family is facing. As mr. X said the death penalty is so controversial because it is undoable and there are the what ifs... what if that person was really innocent? However when i hear about some of the cases such as Woodmansee, where he killed the boy and then ate him I do think he should be sentenced to death... actually i think he should have more than that because that crime is unthinkable. he basically killed the boy twice. personally i think he should be tortured then killed but thats just my opinion. The main reason i don't like life is prision is the chance that the person could escape and the financial cost, but also i hate knowing that there are murders out their who took innocent lives still get to live, maybe not have a "life" but they still get to wake up every morning.

  6. The death penalty is not altogether bad. Too many murderers are let off too easily, with prison sentences as their only punishment. They took someone else's life away and get to live!? What kind of justice is that? However, I can also understand where the death penalty is unacceptable because some people are later found to be innocent only after it is too late.

  7. It is really hard for me to say one hundred percent certainty which way I feel about it. For a normal person, living inside a prison with the rest of your life ahead of you to think of the wrong things they have done, should be worse than death. The guilt would be overwhelming and torturous.
    But then there are those people who honestly believe they were right. Or even those who are completely indifferent. Those people are just sitting there wasting money.
    It is hard to say but I feel like it should not be outlawed, but you REALLY have to earn it. If no signs of remorse and/or improvement are shown, then why bother to keep them on this earth. I do not feel at liberty to say who should live or die, that is not my place, but from a financial standpoint, what a waste of money.

  8. I am against the death penalty. Our nation was brought up that the eye for an eye system doesn't work. The death penalty is killing them because they killed. Also, what if they are innocent? However, if someone I loved was murdered, I would probably want the murderer dead.

  9. I highly oppose the death penalty. I don't anybody has the right to take someone's life. Yes, it's true that what murders do is extremely wrong and should be punished, but not put them to death. Once the inmates are in prision, I think, they will change and have a full understanding of what they did was wrong, unless, of course, they are psychopaths. I think all of America should abolish the death penalty.
