Friday, May 27, 2011

Mason the wonder dog...

Hey guys,                                                                                
The devastating tornados that have ripped through the Midwest and Southern areas of the country have left hundreds dead and still many more missing.  However, yesterday, a story coming out of Alabama has provided a little positive energy from this disaster.

Mason, a scruffy mutt of a dog, was whisked away by the strong twisters last month causing his owners to believe that he had been lost along with most of their possessions.  The family returned to their home in order to go through the rubble to see if they could salvage anything.  

What they found was Mason, who had apparently crawled for days with two broken legs back to what was left of his porch.

Mason underwent surgery and is expecting a full recovery.

The loyalty of dogs never seizes to amaze me…

What do you think?



  1. I recall hearing about this on the news. I truly think that dogs are one of the most remarkable animals because of their bravery, strength, and the fact that they will stop at nothing to protect their owner(s) or any other person. I had a dog for nine years but recently had to give her away because of housing complications. But whenever she was around, I felt protected, especially as a child. And it never seizes to amaze me how a 90-pound dog like I used to have gave my family such a sense of security.

  2. The loyalty seizes to amaze me as well. Two years ago when I went on Toranto on the band trip my dog ended up running away and was found near my friends house in Pawtuxet Village. I live near the Airport and I'm not sure how he managed to cross to major roads. It also amazes me that he was able to find my friends house from memory and sent alone. My mother still says that he "went looking for me" since I had been gone for four days.
    I love how smart most animals are and how instinctive they can be compared to humans. This really is an incredible story.

  3. This is a great story. People seem to think that animals don't have minds of their own. My cat went missing last year, and four days later, he made his way back home. I was surprised he could make it since he had rarely seen the outside of the house before that. As for the tornado itself, I have family in Missouri and the areas around it. I am praying for them and the rest of the people struggling from this disaster.

    -Brandon Maxwell

  4. How smart animals are truly is amazing, and can make amazing stories such as this one. My puppy is only about 10 weeks old and over the weekend my mom was going to take out trash and she sneaked out the front door. Before my mom or brother could catch her, she was already out and down the street. Of course, a sense of panic came over us. However, as we all ran to put shoes on and go out looking for her; we heard a sudden whimpering at the front door. She had come back, and was waiting for someone to open the door for her so she could get in. Even at only 10 weeks old her intelligence was astounding.

  5. Go Mason! My dog personally isn't the sharpest knife in drawer (he jumped through a window once to get at a squirrel), but he will defend our family, as he's shown in the past. The people that say that any non-human animal is not as intelligent as us. That may be true with some species. But what if some simply had a different intelligence? All of the pets in the blog comments show that the animals, at the very least, show some form of memory and recall, as well recognition. We take our pets for granted. But they will always be there for us when we need them. That is loyalty, loyalty that cannot be matched by any human that I have seen.
